Friday, April 29, 2011

A Rescue

I would never go out seeking an animal. I live with a bunch of animal lovers. I certainly don't hate animals, but I do feel like they are a lot of work that I wouldn't necessarily want to do IF I didn't live with a bunch of animal lovers. 

Matt has a heart of gold. He was working way too late in the night last night and came home with a "surprise." When I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to a yelping sound, I thought, "oh no, what did he bring home this time?" I couldn't tell if it was a bird or a kitten or a puppy. You never know with Matt. He has brought home numerous animals of all kinds just to "show" the boys. He even brought home a skunk once...well, that was just the skunk smell after he was sprayed by one. I guess that doesn't technically count. Anyway, I feel like you just never know what that guy is going to come walking through the door with. 

BUT this particular kitten lost it's mother to a car. It was sitting right next to her in the middle of the highway. Matt couldn't let it get hit and face the same defeat as it's mother. Sooo... now we have this little one and I'll tell you, it's growing on me. We already took it to the vet and surprisingly, it's in great shape. It doesn't have any fleas or mites. Did you know they run a test for animal AIDS? Crazy stuff! 

We found out it's a girl and we think we're going to call her Molly. We're going to give it to Zach because he complains he doesn't have an animal of his own. So for now, meet Molly (name subject to change in case 8 year old doesn't go with it)!                                                      

It was pretty difficult getting a picture of something that wouldn't listen and sit still! 

1 comment:

  1. Tell Zach that I can't wait to meet Molly. I'm a cat lover, but I haven't had one in a long time.
