Tuesday, October 25, 2011

City Hall Tour

This is yet another reason why I love scouts. We got the opportunity to tour Riverside's City Hall. Here is our crew.
Below is the room where the head peeps meet with other head peeps from other countries. The other countries are called our "sister" countries. Riverside keeps good relationships with them for various reasons.                                                          

The view from the 7th floor. It was a beautiful evening.
All of these quotes are engraved in the pillars that are on the balcony of the 7th floor. It's right outside the room where the head peeps from other countries come and meet with the mayor and other councilmen.        

This is right after we ended the tour. They are right in front of the beautiful fountains outside. 

This is inside the council chambers. They have their meetings in here where it's free for Riverside residents to come and say their peace about issues they are passionate about. This is where the people are heard. The chair Drew is in, is where our mayor, Ronald Loveridge sits.

This is not the mayor. This is the councilman for Ward 1. I forgot his name, but he was very, very nice to all the boys as was Rusty Bailey (not in this photo), the councilman for Ward 3.

My boy always finds the hot seat. Here is where they got to ask questions. Some were on topic, some weren't. I have to share one of the questions asked by one of the boys. Remember me mentioning "sister" countries? One of the boys asked if Riverside had "brother" countries? Ha ha, I was crackin' up. I thought it made perfect sense for someone to ask that.

It was getting dark so I know it's hard to see, but this is Matt and the boys racing. Matt didn't even let them win!

We ended our evening with good food, good company

throwing coins, and making wishes.
Thank you to our city for graciously giving us a glimpse of how our city runs and for welcoming 20 little boys who had a lot of questions. :)

1 comment:

  1. Very cool Tracy! I've been debating the scouts. It sounds like a great avenue for the kids to experience so many things. Thanks for sharing!
